Vlado Černý
E mohiotia ana mo: Acting
Ra whanau: 1951-06-21
Te Whanautanga: Bratislava, Czechoslovakia [now Slovakia]
E mohiotia ana ano: Vladimír Černý

If I Had a Girl (1976)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Concert for the survivors (1977)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Pochábeľ (1979)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Otvorený účet (1982)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Kráľovna noci v kamennom mori (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Sneh pod nohami (1979)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Villa Lucia (2023)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Prachy dělaj člověka (2006)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Muž na drátě (1986)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Indián (2022)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Vianočné čary (1979)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Rajský plyn (1970)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Kto ste, Jozef Gabčík (1987)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Izba naivného deda (1981)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Build a House, Plant a Tree (1980)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Doktor Jorge (1978)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Prešporská kasáreň maľovaná (1975)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

O sláve a tráve (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Pro forma... (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Raz, dva, tri (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Stalo sa v našom mestečku (1984)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Blúznenie srdca a rozumu (1997)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Popolvar, Biggest in the World (1982)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Havko (1961)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

I Judge You by Love (1982)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Zlatná krajina (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Slečna Dušehojivá (2000)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Bačova žena (1972)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Diera v hlave (1987)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Majster kat (1966)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Brat (1970)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Kvočka (1988)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Sweet Troubles (1984)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Smrť v kufri (1974)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Chlapské leto (1975)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Oblaky = modriny (1974)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Mário a kúzelník (1976)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Serenáda pre Martinu (1976)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Španielska gitara (1976)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Koruna lásky a smrti (1977)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Broken Promise (2009)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Šediny doktora Ondáka (1977)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

„A“ ako Alžbeta (1978)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Malvína z Bretónska (1983)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Tri stromy (1993)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Die Todeswelle - Eine Stadt in Angst (2000)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Anonym (1980)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Dvadsať tisíc v koši (1980)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Triptych o láske (1980)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Tajomstvá pod viečkami (1990)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Trofej neznámeho strelca (1974)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Welcome Home, Brother! (2022)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Pohľad do zrkadla (1981)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Tetované časom (1976)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Chlapec a husle (1982)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Najstarší škorec Svätopluk (1982)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Oddychový čas (pre sudcu) (1982)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Právo na omyl (1983)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Takmer božský omyl (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Mikuláš Mráz (1995)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Mŕtvi učia živých (1984)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Celý svet nad hlavou (1983)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Tereza (1983)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

V bludisku pamäti (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Jánošík (1963)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

King Thrushbeard (1984)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

The Millennial Bee (1983)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

The Motive for Murder (1975)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Coal Tower (2002)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Krutá ľúbosť (1978)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

The Bride of the Mountains (1972)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

...kone na betóne (1995)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Zostane to v rodine (1987)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Obrana Sokratova (1989)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Mŕtvola musí zomrieť (2011)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

A čo láska? (1981)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Dozrievanie (1982)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Zlatá réva (1977)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Lorenzaccio (1991)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Postup (1977)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Hodina úsvitu (1975)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Bankinghouse Khuwich and Comp. (1985)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Profesor Raat (1989)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...

Kára plná bolesti (1986)
Vlado Černý was born on June 21, 1951 in Bratislava. Here he also grew up with his grandmother and grandfather, as his parents lived...